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Smart Contracts

Smart Contract (hereinafter referred to as Contract) is one of the basic elements of an application. The implementation of a contract on a page by the user is usually a single operation that the purpose is to update or create a database entry. All data operations of an application form a contract system, and these contracts interact with each other through database or contract content functions.

Contract Structure

Use the keyword contract to declare a contract, followed by the contract name, and the contract content must be enclosed in braces. A contract mainly consists of three sections:

  1. data - data section, where declares the variables of the input data, including variable name and variable type;

  2. conditions - conditions section, where validates the correctness of the data;

  3. action - action section, where defines the data manipulations.

contract MyContract {
data {
FromId int
ToId int
Amount money
func conditions {
func action {

Data section

The data section describes the contract data inputs and the form parameters received.

The structure of each line by sequence:

  • Variable name - only receive variables, not arrays;
  • Variable data type - the data type of the variable;
  • optional - an optional parameter that do not need to fill in the form element.
contract my {
data {
Name string
RequestId int
Photo file "optional"
Amount money

Conditions section

The conditions section describes the validation of data received.

The following commands are used for error warnings: serious errors error, warning errors warning, suggestive errors info. These three commands will generate an error that terminates the execution of contracts, and each error will print a different type of error log information. For example:

if fuel == 0 {
error "fuel cannot be zero!"
if money < limit {
warning Sprintf("You don't have enough money: %v <%v", money, limit)
if idexist > 0 {
info "You have already been registered"

Action section

The action section describes the main code of the contract, which retrieves other data and records the result values in tables. For example:

action {
DBUpdate("keys", $key_id, {"-amount": $amount})
DBUpdate("keys", $recipient, {"+amount": $amount})


Variables declared in the data section are passed to other contract sections through the $ symbol followed by the variable name. The $ symbol can also be used to declare other variables that are not within the data section, which are considered as global variables of this contract and all contracts that this contract is nested.

Pre-defined variables can be used in contracts, which contain transaction data that called the contract:

  • $time - transaction timestamp;
  • $ecosystem_id - ecosystem ID;
  • $block - ID of the block containing the transaction;
  • $key_id - address of the account that signed the current transaction;
  • $type - contract ID in the virtual machine;
  • $block_key_id - account address of the node generated the block;
  • $block_time - block generation timestamp;
  • $original_contract - name of the contract that initially processed the transaction. It means the contract is called during transaction validation if the variable is an empty string. To check whether the contract is called by another contract or directly by the transaction, you need to compare the values of originalcontractandoriginal_contract and this_contract. It means that the contract is called by the transaction if they are equal;
  • $this_contract - name of the contract currently being executed;
  • $guest_key - guest account address;
  • $stack - contract array stack with a data type of array, containing all contracts executed. The first element of the array represents the name of the contract currently being executed, while the last element represents the name of the contract that initially processed the transaction;
  • $node_position - the index number of the verification node array where the block is located;
  • $txhash - transaction hash;
  • $contract - the current contract structure array.

Predefined variables can be accessed not only in contracts, but also in permission fields that defines the access permission conditions of the application elements. When used in permission fields, predefined variables for block information are always equal to zero, such as $time, $block, etc.

A predefined variable $result is assigned with the return result of the contract.

contract my {
data {
Name string
Amount money
func conditions {
if $Amount <= 0 {
error "Amount cannot be 0"
$ownerId = 1232
func action {
var amount money
amount = $Amount - 10
DBUpdate("mytable", $ownerId, {name: $Name,amount: amount})
DBUpdate("mytable2", $ownerId, {amount: 10})

Nested Contracts

You can nest contracts in the conditions and action sections of the contract. Nested contracts can be called directly, and the contract parameters are specified in parentheses after the contract name, for example, @1NameContract(Params). You may also call nested contracts with the CallContract function.

File upload

To upload a file using a form in the format of multipart/form-data, the data type of the contract must be file.

contract Upload {
data {
File file

The UploadBinary contract is used to upload and store files. With the Logicor language function Binary in the page editor, you can get the file download link.

Queries in JSON format

In the contract language, JSON can be specified as a field type. You can use the syntax: columnname->fieldname to process the entry field. The value obtained is recorded in columnname.fieldname. The above syntax can be used in Columns,One,Where of the DBFind function.

var ret map
var val str
var list array
ret = DBFind("mytable").Columns("myname,doc,doc->ind").WhereId($Id).Row()
val = ret["doc.ind"]
val = DBFind("mytable").Columns("myname,doc->type").WhereId($Id).One("doc->type")
list = DBFind("mytable").Columns("myname,doc,doc->ind").Where("doc->ind = ?", "101")
val = DBFind("mytable").WhereId($Id).One("doc->check")

Queries with date and time operations

You cannot directly query and update the date and time with the contract language functions, but you can use PostgreSQL functions and features in the Where statement as in the example below. For example, you need to compare the field date_column with the current time. If date_column is a timestamp type, the expression should be date_column <NOW(); if date_column is a Unix type, the expression should be to_timestamp(date_column)> NOW().

Where("to_timestamp(date_column)> NOW()")
Where("date_column <NOW() - 30 * interval '1 day'")

The following Needle function is used to process date and time in SQL format:

Needle contract language

The contract language includes a set of functions, operators and structures, which can realize data algorithm processing and database operations.

The contract content can be modified if the contract editing permission is not set to false. The complete history of contract changes is stored in the blockchain, which is available in Weaver.

Data operations in the blockchain are executed in accordance with the latest version of the contract.

Basic elements and structure

Data types and variables

Data type must be defined for every variables. Normally, data types are converted automatically. The following data types can be used:

  • bool - Boolean, true or false;
  • bytes - a byte format;
  • Int - a 64-bit integer;
  • Array - an array of any type;
  • map - an object array;
  • money - a big integer;
  • float - a 64-bit float number;
  • string - a string must be defined with double quotes or escape format: "This is a string" or `This is a string`;
  • file - an object array:
    • Name - file name, string type;
    • MimeType - mime-type file, string type;
    • Body - file content, bytes type.

All identifiers, including the names of variables, functions and contracts, are case sensitive (MyFunc and myFunc are different names).

Use the var keyword to declare a variable, followed by the name and type of the variable. Variables declared in braces must be used in the same pair of braces.

The default value of any variable declared is zero: the zero value of bool type is false, the zero value of all numeric types is 0, and the zero value, for strings, empty strings. An example of variable declaration:

func myfunc( val int) int {
var mystr1 mystr2 string, mypar int
var checked bool
if checked {
var temp int


The contract language supports two array types:

  • Array - an array with index starting from 0;
  • map - an array of objects.

When allocating and retrieving array elements, the index must be placed in square brackets. Multiple indexes are not supported in the array, and the array elements cannot be treated as myarr[i][j].

var myarr array
var mymap map
var s string

myarr[0] = 100
myarr[1] = "This is a line"
mymap["value"] = 777
mymap["param"] = "Parameter"

s = Sprintf("%v, %v, %v", myarr[0] + mymap["value"], myarr[1], mymap["param"])
// s = 877, This is a line, Parameter

You can also define arrays of array type by specifying elements in []. For map type arrays, please use {}.

var my map
my={"key1": "value1", key2: i, "key3": $Name}
var mya array
mya=["value1", {key2: i}, $Name]

You can use such initialization in expressions. For example, use it in function parameters.

DBFind...Where({id: 1})

For an array of objects, you must specify a key. Key are specified as strings in double quotes (""). If the key name is limited to letters, numbers and underscores, you can omit the double quotes.

{key1: "value1", key2: "value2"}

An array can contain strings, numbers, variable names of any type, and variable names with the $ symbol. It supports nested arrays. You can specify different maps or arrays as values.

Expressions cannot be used as array elements. Use a variable to store the expression result and specify this variable as an array element.

[1+2, myfunc(), name["param"]] // don't do this
[1, 3.4, mystr, "string", $ext, myarr, mymap, {"ids": [1,2, i], company: {"Name": "MyCompany"}} ] // this is ok

var val string
val = my["param"]
MyFunc({key: val, sub: {name: "My name", "color": "Red"}})

If and While statements

The contract language supports standard if conditional statements and while loops, which can be used in contracts and functions. These statements can be nested within each other.

if and while must be followed by a conditional statement. If the conditional statement returns a number, it is regarded as false when its value is 0.

val == 0 is equal to !val, val != 0 is equal to val. The if statement can have an else code block, and the else is executed when the if conditional statement is false.

The following comparison operators can be used in conditional statements: <, >, >=, <=, ==, !=, ||, &&

if val> 10 || id != $block_key_id {
} else {

The code block is executed when the conditional statement of the while loop is true. break means to terminate the loop of the code block. If you want to start a loop from the beginning, use continue.

var i int
while true {
if i > 100 {
if i == 50 {
i = i + 1

In addition to conditional statements, Needle also supports standard arithmetic operations: +, -, *, /.

Variables of string and bytes types can be used as a conditional statement. If the length of the type is greater than zero, the condition is true, otherwise it is false.


Functions can perform some operations on the data received by the data section of a contract: read and write data from the database, convert the type of value, and establish the interaction between contracts.

Function declaration

Use the func keyword to declare a function, followed by the name and the list of parameters passed to it and their types. All parameters are enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. After the parentheses, the data type of the value returned by the function must be declared. The function body must be enclosed in braces. If the function has no parameters, the braces can be omitted. To return a value from a function, use the return keyword.

func myfunc(left int, right int) int {
return left*right + left - right
func test int {
return myfunc(10, 30) + myfunc(20, 50)
func ooops {
error "Ooops..."

Function do not return errors, because all error checks are performed automatically. If there is an error in any function, the contract will terminate its operation and present the error description in a window.

Variable-length parameters

Functions can define variable-length parameters, use the ... symbol as the last parameter type of the function to indicate variable-length parameters, with a data type of array. Variable-length parameters include all variables from the time the parameter is passed in the call. All types of variables can be passed, but you need to deal with conflicts of mismatching of data types.

func sum(out string, values ...) {
var i, res int

while i <Len(values) {

res = res + values[i]

i = i + 1


Println(out, res)


func main() {
sum("Sum:", 10, 20, 30, 40)

Optional parameters

A function has many parameters, but we only need some of them when calling it. In this case, you can declare optional parameters in the following way: func myfunc(name string).Param1(param string).Param2(param2 int) {...}, then you can call the specified parameters in any order: myfunc("name").Param2(100).

In the function body, you can handle these variables normally. If no specified optional parameters called, their default values are zero. You can also use ... to specify a variable-length parameter: func DBFind(table string).Where(request string, params ...) and then call it: DBFind("mytable").Where({" id": $myid, "type": 2})

func DBFind(table string).Columns(columns string).Where(format string, tail ...)
.Limit(limit int).Offset(offset int) string {

func names() string {
return DBFind("table").Columns("name").Where({"id": 100}).Limit(1)

Needle functions classification

Retrieving values from the database:


Updating data in tables:


Operations with arrays:


Operations with contracts and permissions:


Operations with addresses:


Operations with variable values:


Arithmetic operations:


Operations with JSON:


Operations with strings:


Operations with bytes:


Operations with date and time in SQL format:


Operations with platform parameters:


CLB mode function operation:


Functions for master CLB nodes:


Needle functions reference


Returns the value of a specified application parameter (from the application parameter table app_params).


AppParam(app int, name string, ecosystemid int) string
  • App

    Application ID.

  • name

    Application parameter name.

  • Ecosystemid

    Ecosystem ID.


AppParam(1, "app_account", 1)


Queries data from a specified table with the specified parameters and returns an array array consisting of an array of objects map.

.Row() can get the first map element in the query, .One(column string) can get the first map element of a specified column in the query.


DBFind(table string)
[.Columns(columns array|string)]
[.Where(where map)]
[.WhereId(id int)]
[.Order(order string)]
[.Limit(limit int)]
[.Offset(offset int)]
[.One(column string)]
[.Ecosystem(ecosystemid int)] array
  • table

    Table name.

  • сolumns

    Returns a list of columns. If not specified, all columns will be returned.

    The value is an array or a string separated by commas.

  • where

    Query conditions.

    Example: .Where({name: "John"}) or .Where({"id": {"$gte": 4}}).

    This parameter must contain an array of objects with search criteria. The array can contain nested elements.

    Following syntactic constructions are used:

    • {"field1": "value1", "field2": "value2"} Equivalent to field1 = "value1" AND field2 = "value2".

    • {"field1": {"$eq":"value"}} Equivalent to field = "value".

    • {"field1": {"$neq": "value"}} Equivalent to field != "value".

    • {"field1: {"$in": [1,2,3]} Equivalent to field IN (1,2,3).

    • {"field1": {"$nin": [1,2,3]} Equivalent to field NOT IN (1,2,3).

    • {"field": {"$lt": 12}} Equivalent to field <12.

    • {"field": {"$lte": 12}} Equivalent to field <= 12.

    • {"field": {"$gt": 12}} Equivalent to field> 12.

    • {"field": {"$gte": 12}} Equivalent to field >= 12.

    • {"$and": [<expr1>, <expr2>, <expr3>]} Equivalent to expr1 AND expr2 AND expr3.

    • {"$or": [<expr1>, <expr2>, <expr3>]} Equivalent to expr1 OR expr2 OR expr3.

    • {field: {"$like": "value"}} Equivalent to field like'%value%' (fuzzy search).

    • {field: {"$begin": "value"}} Equivalent to field like'value%' (starts with value).

    • {field: {"$end": "value"}} Equivalent to field like'%value' (ends with value).

    • {field: "$isnull"} Equivalent to field is null.

Make sure not to overwrite the keys of object arrays. For example, if you want to query with id>2 and id<5, you cannot use {id:{"$gt": 2}, id:{"$lt": 5}}, because the first element will be overwritten by the second element. You should use the following query structure:

{id: [{"$gt": 2}, {"$lt": 5}]}
{"$and": [{id:{"$gt": 2}}, {id:{"$lt": 5}}]}
  • Id

    Queries by ID. For example, .WhereId(1).

  • Order

    Used to sort the result set by a specified column, or by id by default.

    If you use only one field for sorting, you can specify it as a string. To sort multiple fields, you need to specify an array of string objects:

    Descending order: {"field": "-1"} Equivalent to field desc.

    Ascending order: {"field": "1"} Equivalent to field asc.

  • limit

    Returns the number of entries. 25, by default. The maximum number is 10,000.

  • Offset


  • Ecosystemid

    Ecosystem ID. By default, the table of the current ecosystem is queried.


var i int
var ret string
ret = DBFind("contracts").Columns("id,value").Where({id: [{"$gt": 2}, {"$lt": 5}]}).Order( "id")
while i <Len(ret) {
var vals map
vals = ret[0]
i = i + 1
ret = DBFind("contracts").Columns("id,value").WhereId(10).One("value")
if ret != nil {


Queries data from a specified table with the specified parameters. Returns an array array consisting of an array of objects map.


DBRow(table string)
[.Columns(columns array|string)]
[.Where(where map)]
[.WhereId(id int)]
[.Order(order array|string)]
[.Ecosystem(ecosystemid int)] map
  • table

    Table name.

  • columns

    Returns a list of columns. If not specified, all columns will be returned.

    The value is an array or a string separated by commas.

  • where

    Query conditions.

    For example: .Where({name: "John"}) or .Where({"id": {"$gte": 4}}).

    For more details, see DBFind.

  • Id

    Query by ID. For example, .WhereId(1).

  • Order

    Used to sort the result set by a specified column, or by id by default.

    For more details, see DBFind.

  • Ecosystemid

    Ecosystem ID. By default, the table of the current ecosystem is queried.


var ret map
ret = DBRow("contracts").Columns(["id","value"]).Where({id: 1})


Returns the aggregated data of a metric.

The metrics are updated each time 100 blocks are generated. And the aggregated data is stored on a 1-day cycle.


DBSelectMetrics(metric string, timeInterval string, aggregateFunc string) array

  • metric

    Metric name

    • ecosystem_pages

      Number of ecosystem pages.

      Return value: key - ecosystem ID, value - number of ecosystem pages.

    • ecosystem_members

      Number of ecosystem members.

      Return value: key - ecosystem ID, value - number of ecosystem members.

    • ecosystem_tx

      Number of ecosystem transactions.

      Return value: key - ecosystem ID, value - number of ecosystem transactions.

  • timeInterval

    The time interval for aggregating metric data. For example: 1 day, 30 days.

  • aggregateFunc

    Aggregate function. For example, max, min, avg.


var rows array
rows = DBSelectMetrics("ecosystem_tx", "30 days", "avg")
var i int
while(i <Len(rows)) {
var row map
row = rows[i]
i = i + 1


Returns the value of a specified parameter in the ecosystem parameters table parameters.


EcosysParam(name string) string

  • name

    Parameter name.




Returns the history of changes to entries in a specified table.


GetHistory(table string, id int) array

  • table

    Table name.

  • Id

    Entry ID.

Return value

Returns an array of objects of type map, which specify the history of changes to entries in tables.

Each array contains the fields of a record before making the next change. The array is sorted by order of most recent changes.

The id field in the array points to the id of the rollback_tx table. block_id represents the block ID, while block_time represents the block generation timestamp.


var list array
var item map
list = GetHistory("blocks", 1)
if Len(list) > 0 {
item = list[0]


Returns a single snapshot from the change history of a specified entry in a specified table.


GetHistoryRow(table string, id int, rollbackId int) map
  • table

    Table name.

  • Id

    Entry ID.

  • rollbackId

    rollback_tx The entry ID of the table.

  $result = GetHistoryRow("contracts",205,2358)


Returns the data type of a specified field in a specified table.


GetColumnType(table, column string) string

  • table

    Table name.

  • column

    Field Name.

    Return value

    The following types can be returned: text, varchar, number, money, double, bytes, json, datetime, double.


var coltype string
coltype = GetColumnType("members", "member_name")


Returns data from XLSX spreadsheets.


GetDataFromXLSX(binId int, line int, count int, sheet int) string

  • binId

    ID in XLSX format in the binary table binary.

  • line

    The starting line number, starting from 0 by default.

  • count

    The number of rows that need to be returned.

  • sheet

    List number, starting from 1 by default.


var a array
a = GetDataFromXLSX(3, 12, 10, 1)


Returns the number of lines in a specified XLSX file.


GetRowsCountXLSX(binId int, sheet int) int
  • binId

    ID in XLSX format in the binary table binary.

  • sheet

    List number, starting from 1 by default.


var count int
count = GetRowsCountXLSX(binid, 1)


Returns a multilingual resource with name label for language lang, specified as a two-character code, for example: en, de. If there is no language for a selected language, then the language resource of the en label is returned.


LangRes(label string, lang string) string
  • label

    Language resource name.

  • lang

    Two-character language code.


warning LangRes("@1confirm", "en")
error LangRes("@1problems", "de")


Returns relevant information about a specified block.


GetBlock(blockID int64) map

  • blockID

    Block ID.

    Return value

    Return an array of objects:

    • id

      Block ID.

    • time

      Block generation timestamp.

    • key_id

      The account address of the verification node generated the block.


var b map
b = GetBlock(1)


Adds an entry to a specified table and return the entry ID.


DBInsert(table string, params map) int

  • tblname

    Table name.

  • params

    An array of objects where keys are field names and values are inserted values.


DBInsert("mytable", {name: "John Smith", amount: 100})


Changes the column value of a specified entry ID in a specified table. If the entry ID does not exist in the table, an error is returned.


DBUpdate(tblname string, id int, params map)

  • tblname

    Table name.

  • Id

    Entry ID.

  • params

    An array of objects where keys are field names and values are new values after changes.


DBUpdate("mytable", myid, {name: "John Smith", amount: 100})


Changes the value of a column in a specified table that matches the query condition.


DBUpdateExt(tblname string, where map, params map)

  • tblname

    Table name.

  • where

    Query conditions.

    For more details, see DBFind.

  • params

    An array of objects where keys are field names and values are new values after changes.


DBUpdateExt("mytable", {id: $key_id, ecosystem: $ecosystem_id}, {name: "John Smith", amount: 100})


Deletes a field in a specified table that has no records.


DelColumn(tblname string, column string)

  • tblname

    Table name.

  • column

    The field to be deleted.

DelColumn("mytable", "mycolumn")


Deletes a specified table that has e no records.


DelTable(tblname string)

  • tblname

    Table name.




Inserts any type of val into the src array.


Append(src array, val anyType) array

  • src

    The original array.

  • val

    The value to be inserted.


var list array
list = Append(list, "new_val")


Combines elements of the in array into a string with a specified sep separator.


Join(in array, sep string) string

  • In

    Array name.

  • sep



 var val string, myarr array
myarr[0] = "first"
myarr[1] = 10
val = Join(myarr, ",")


Uses the sep separator to split the in string into elements and put them into an array.


Split(in string, sep string) array
  • In


  • sep



var myarr array
myarr = Split("first,second,third", ",")


Returns the number of elements in a specified array.


Len(val array) int
  • val



if Len(mylist) == 0 {


The list parameter must not be specified in this case. Return the first object array in the array list. If the list is empty, an empty result is returned. This function is mostly used in conjunction with the DBFind function. When using this function, you cannot specify parameters.


 Row(list array) map
  • list

    The array of objects returned by the DBFind function.


 var ret map
ret = DBFind("contracts").Columns("id,value").WhereId(10).Row()


Returns the field value of the first object array in the array list. If the list array is empty, nil is returned. It is mostly used in conjunction with the DBFind function. When using this function, you cannot specify parameters.


One(list array, column string) string
  • list

The array of objects returned by the DBFind function.

  • column

    Field Name.


var ret string
ret = DBFind("contracts").Columns("id,value").WhereId(10).One("value")
if ret != nil {


Returns the key array in the object array.


GetMapKeys(val map) array
  • val

    Object array.


var val map
var arr array
val["k1"] = "v1"
val["k2"] = "v2"
arr = GetMapKeys(val)


Returns a sorted key array in the object array.


SortedKeys(val map) array

  • val

    Object array.


var val map
var arr array
val["k2"] = "v2"
val["k1"] = "v1"
arr = SortedKeys(val)


Calls the contract with a specified name. All parameters of the data section in the contract must be included in an object array. This function returns the value assigned to the $result variable by a specified contract.


CallContract(name string, params map)

  • name

    The name of the contract being called.

  • params

    An associative array of the contract input data.


var par map
par["Name"] = "My Name"
CallContract("MyContract", par)


Checks if the name of contract being executed matches one of the names listed in the parameters. Usually it is used to control contract access to tables. When editing table fields or inserting and adding new column fields in the permissions section of the table, please specify this function in the permissions fields.


ContractAccess(name string, [name string]) bool
  • name

    Contract name.




Calls the conditions section in the contract with a specified name.

For this type of contracts, the data section must be empty. If the conditions section is executed without error, it returns true. If there is an error during execution, the parent contract will also be terminated due to the error. This function is usually used to control the contract's access to tables and can be called in the permission fields when editing system tables.


ContractConditions(name string, [name string]) bool

  • name

    Contract name.




Gets the value of the condfield field in the record with a 'name' field from the tablename table, and checks the conditions of the condfield field value.


EvalCondition(tablename string, name string, condfield string)

  • tablename

    Table name.

  • name

    Queries the value with the 'name' field.

  • condfield

    The name of the field whose conditions needs to be checked.


EvalCondition(`menu`, $Name, `conditions`)


Returns its contract name by contract ID. If not found the contract, an empty string is returned.


GetContractById(id int) string

  • Id

    The contract ID in the contract table contracts.


var name string
name = GetContractById($IdContract)


This function returns its contract ID by contract name. If not found the contract, zero is returned.


GetContractByName(name string) int
  • name

    The contract name in the contract table contracts.


var id int
id = GetContractByName(`NewBlock`)


Checks whether the role ID of the contract caller matches one of the IDs specified in the parameter.

You can use this function to control contract access to tables and other data.


RoleAccess(id int, [id int]) bool
  • Id

    Role ID.


RoleAccess(1, 3)


Queries transactions by specified hash value and returns information about the contract executed and its parameters.


TransactionInfo(hash: string)
  • hash

    Transaction hash in hexadecimal string format.

Return value

This function returns a string in JSON format:

{"contract":"ContractName", "params":{"key": "val"}, "block": "N"}
  • contract

    Contract name.

  • params

    Data passed to contract parameters.

  • block

    ID of the block that processed the transaction.


var out map
out = JSONDecode(TransactionInfo(hash))


Generates an error of type exception.


Throw(ErrorId string, ErrDescription string)
  • ErrorId

    Error identifier.

  • ErrDescription

    Error description.

Return value

The format of this type of transaction results:

{"type":"exception","error":"Error description","id":"Error ID"}


Throw("Problem", "There is a problem")


Tries to compile the conditions specified by the condition parameter. If there is an error during the compilation process, an error is generated and the contract called is terminated. This function is designed to check the correctness of the conditional format.


ValidateCondition(condition string, state int)
  • condition

    The conditional format that needs to be verified.

  • state

    Ecosystem ID. If you check the global condition, please specify it as 0.


ValidateCondition(`ContractAccess("@1MyContract")`, 1)


Returns the corresponding account address by wallet address. If an invalid address is specified, '0' is returned.


AddressToId(address string) int

  • Address

    Wallet address in XXXX-...-XXXX format or number format.


wallet = AddressToId($Recipient)


Returns the corresponding wallet address by account address. If an invalid address is specified, the invalid address 'invalid' is returned.


IdToAddress(id int) string

  • Id

    Account address.


$address = IdToAddress($id)


The account address is returned by public key in hexadecimal format.


PubToID(hexkey string) int

  • hexkey

    The public key in hexadecimal format.


var wallet int
wallet = PubToID("04fa5e78.....34abd6")


Returns a string by specifying the base64 format


DecodeBase64(input string) string

  • Input

    String in base64 format.


val = DecodeBase64(mybase64)


Returns a string in base64 format by specifying a string.


EncodeBase64(input string) string

  • Input

    The string to be encoded.


var base64str string
base64str = EncodeBase64("my text")


Converts an integer or string to a float number.


Float(val int|string) float

  • val

    An integer or string.


val = Float("567.989") + Float(232)


Converts a string in hexadecimal format to byte type bytes.


  HexToBytes(hexdata string) bytes

  • hexdata

    A string in hexadecimal format.


var val bytes
val = HexToBytes("34fe4501a4d80094")


Returns the string value of exp / 10 ^ digit.


FormatMoney(exp string, digit int) string
  • Exp

    A number in string format.

  • digit

    The exponent (positive or negative) of 10 in the expression Exp/10^digit. Positive values determine decimal places.


  s = FormatMoney("78236475917384", 0)


Returns a random number between min and max (min <= result <max). Both min and max must be positive numbers.


Random(min int, max int) int
  • min

    The minimum value among random numbers.

  • max

    The upper limit of random numbers. The random number generated will be less than this value.


i = Random(10,5000)


Converts a value in string format to an integer.


Int(val string) int
  • val

    A number in string format.


mystr = "-37763499007332"
val = Int(mystr)


Returns the hash of a specified byte array or string, which is generated by the system encryption library crypto.


Hash(val interface{}) string, error
  • val

    A string or byte array.


var hash string
hash = Hash("Test message")


Returns the SHA256 hash of a specified string.


Sha256(val string) string
  • val

    A string requires the Sha256 hash operation.


var sha string
sha = Sha256("Test message")


Converts an integer int or float float number to a string.


Str(val int|float) string
  • val

    An integer or float number.


myfloat = 5.678
val = Str(myfloat)


Converts a number, string or array to a string in JSON format.


JSONEncode(src int|float|string|map|array) string

  • src

    Data to convert.


var mydata map
mydata["key"] = 1
var json string
json = JSONEncode(mydata)


Uses the specified indentation to convert a number, string, or array to a string in JSON format.


JSONEncodeIndent(src int|float|string|map|array, indent string) string

  • src

    Data to convert.

  • Indent

    The string will be used as indentation.


var mydata map
mydata["key"] = 1
var json string
json = JSONEncodeIndent(mydata, "\t")


Converts a string in JSON format to a number, string or array.


JSONDecode(src string) int|float|string|map|array

  • src

    A string containing data in JSON format.


var mydata map
mydata = JSONDecode(`{"name": "John Smith", "company": "Smith's company"}`)


Checks whether the string starts with a specified string.


HasPrefix(s string, prefix string) bool
  • s

    A string.

  • prefix

    The prefix to check.

Return value

If the string starts with a specified string, true is returned.


if HasPrefix($Name, `my`) {


Checks whether the string contains a specified substring.


Contains(s string, substr string) bool
  • s

    A string.

  • substr

    A substring.

Return value

If the string contains the substring, it returns true.


if Contains($Name, `my`) {


Replaces old (the old string) with new (the new string) in the string.


Replace(s string, old string, new string) string

  • s

    The original string.

  • Old

    The substring to replace.

  • new

    The new string.


s = Replace($Name, `me`, `you`)


Returns the number of bytes in a specified string.


Size(val string) int

  • val

    A string.


var len int
len = Size($Name)


This function creates a string using the specified template and parameters.

Available wildcards:

  • %d (integer)
  • %s (string)
  • %f (float)
  • %v (any type) Syntax
Sprintf(pattern string, val ...) string

  • pattern

    A string template.


out = Sprintf("%s=%d", mypar, 6448)


Returns the substring obtained from a specified string starting from the offset offset (calculated from 0 by default), and the maximum length is limited to length.

If the offset or length is less than zero, or the offset is greater than the length, an empty string is returned.

If the sum of the offset and length is greater than the string size, then, the substring will be returned starting from the offset to the end of the string.


Substr(s string, offset int, length int) string

  • val

    A string.

  • Offset


  • length

    Length of the substring.


var s string
s = Substr($Name, 1, 10)


Returns a specified string in lowercase.


ToLower(val string) string

  • val

    A string.


val = ToLower(val)


Returns a specified string in uppercase.


ToUpper(val string) string

  • val

    A string.


val = ToUpper(val)


Deletes the leading and trailing spaces, tabs and newlines of a specified string.


TrimSpace(val string) string

  • val

    A string.


var val string
val = TrimSpace(" mystr ")


Returns the largest integer value less than or equal to a specified number, float number, and string.


Floor(x float|int|string) int
  • x

    A number, float number, and string.


val = Floor(5.6) // returns 5


Returns the natural logarithm of a specified number, float number, and string.


Log(x float|int|string) float

  • x

    A number, float number, and string.


val = Log(10)


Returns the base-10 logarithm of a specified number, float number, and string.


Log10(x float|int|string) float

  • x

    A number, float number, and string.


val = Log10(100)


Returns the specified base to the specified power (xy).


Pow(x float|int|string, y float|int|string) float

  • x

    Base number.

  • y



val = Pow(2, 3)


Returns the value of a specified number rounded to the nearest integer.


Round(x float|int|string) int

  • x

    A number.


val = Round(5.6)


Returns the square root of a specified number.

Sqrt(x float|int|string) float

  • x

    A number.


val = Sqrt(225)


Converts a string to bytes.


StringToBytes(src string) bytes

  • src

    A string.


var b bytes
b = StringToBytes("my string")


Converts bytes to string.


BytesToString(src bytes) string

  • src



var s string
s = BytesToString($Bytes)


Returns the value of a specified platform parameter.


SysParamString(name string) string

  • name

    Parameter name.


url = SysParamString(`blockchain_url`)


Returns the value of a specified platform parameter in the form of a number.


SysParamInt(name string) int

  • name

    Parameter name.


maxcol = SysParam(`max_columns`)


Updates the value and conditions of a platform parameter. If you do not need to change the value or conditions, please specify an empty string in the corresponding parameter.


DBUpdateSysParam(name, value, conditions string)

  • name

    Parameter name.

  • value

    New value of a parameter.

  • conditions

    New conditions for updating a parameter.


DBUpdateSysParam(`fuel_rate`, `400000000000`, ``)


Obtains the notification list of a specified key from the database, and sends the notification obtained to Centrifugo.


UpdateNotifications(ecosystemID int, keys int...)

  • EcosystemID

    Ecosystem ID.

  • key

    A list of account addresses, separated by commas. Or you can use an array to specify a list of account addresses.


UpdateNotifications($ecosystem_id, $key_id, 23345355454, 35545454554)
UpdateNotifications(1, [$key_id, 23345355454, 35545454554])


Obtains the notification list of all account addresses of a specified role ID in the database, and sends the notification obtained to Centrifugo.


UpdateRolesNotifications(ecosystemID int, roles int ...)

  • EcosystemID

    Ecosystem ID.

  • roles

    A list of role IDs, separated by commas. Or you can use an array to specify a list of role IDs.


UpdateRolesNotifications(1, 1, 2)


Sends HTTP requests to the specified address.


This function can only be used in CLB contracts.


HTTPRequest(url string, method string, heads map, pars map) string
  • Url

    Address, to which the request will be sent.

  • method

    Request type (GET or POST).

  • heads

    An array of request headers, objects.

  • pars

    Request parameters.


var ret string
var ret string
var ret string
var pars, heads, json map
heads["Authorization"] = "Bearer "+ $auth_token
pars["obs"] = "true"
ret = HTTPRequest("http://localhost:7079/api/v2/content/page/default_page","POST", heads, pars)
json = JSONToMap(ret)


This function is similar to the HTTPRequest function, but it sends a POST request and the request parameters are strings.


This function can only be used in CLB contracts


HTTPPostJSON(url string, heads map, pars string) string
  • Url

    Address, to which the request will be sent.

  • heads

    An array of request headers, objects.

  • pars

    Request parameters as a JSON string.


var ret string
var ret string
var ret string
var heads, json map
heads["Authorization"] = "Bearer "+ $auth_token
ret = HTTPPostJSON("http://localhost:7079/api/v2/content/page/default_page", heads, `{"obs":"true"}`)
json = JSONToMap(ret)


Returns the generation time of the block in SQL format.




var mytime string
mytime = BlockTime()
DBInsert("mytable", myid, {time: mytime})


Converts the timestamp unixtime to a string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS format.


DateTime(unixtime int) string




Converts a string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS format to a timestamp unixtime


UnixDateTime(datetime string) int


UnixDateTime("2018-07-20 14:23:10")


Creates a child CLB.

This function can only be used in the master CLB mode.


CreateOBS(OBSName string, DBUser string, DBPassword string, OBSAPIPort int)
  • OBSName

    CLB name.

  • DBUser

    The role name of the database.

  • DBPassword

    The password of the role.

  • OBSAPIPort

    The port of the API request.


CreateOBS("obsname", "obsuser", "obspwd", 8095)


Returns the list of child CLBs.

This function can only be used in the master CLB mode.



Return value

An array of objects, where the key is the CLB name and the value is the process state.


A process running the CLB.

This function can only be used in the master CLB mode.


RunOBS(OBSName string)
  • OBSName

    CLB name.

    It can only contain letters and numbers, and the space symbol cannot be used.


Stop the process of a specified CLB.

This function can only be used in the master CLB mode.


StopOBS(OBSName string)
  • OBSName

    CLB name.

    It can only contain letters and numbers, and the space symbol cannot be used.


Deletes the process of a specified CLB.

This function can only be used in the master CLB mode.


RemoveOBS(OBSName string)
  • OBSName

CLB name.

It can only contain letters and numbers, and the space symbol cannot be used.

System Contracts

System contracts are created by default when the IBAX blockchain platform is launched. All these contracts were created in the first ecosystem. This is why you need to specify their full names when calling them from other ecosystems, for example, @1NewContract.


This contract creates a new ecosystem. To obtain the ID of the ecosystem created, you must quote the result filed returned in txstatus.


  • Name string - name of the ecosystem. It can be changed later.


Changes the name of the ecosystem in the 1_ecosystems table that only exists in the first ecosystem.


  • EcosystemID int - changes the name of the ecosystem ID;
  • NewName string - new name of the ecosystem.


Creates a new contract in the current ecosystem.


  • ApplicationId int - the application to which a new contract belongs;
  • Value string - contract source code. The upper layer must have only one contract;
  • Conditions string - changes the conditions of the contract;
  • TokenEcosystem int "optional" - ecosystem ID. It determines which token will be used for transactions when the contract is activated.


Edits the contract in the current ecosystem.


  • Id int - the contract ID changed;
  • Value string "optional" - source code of the contract;
  • Conditions string "optional" - changes the conditions of the contract.


Binding the contract to the wallet address in the current ecosystem. After binding with the contract, the contract execution fee will be paid under this address.


  • Id int - the contract ID to be bound.
  • WalletId string "optional" - the wallet address bound to the contract.


Unbinding the contract from the wallet address in the current ecosystem. Only addresses bound to the contract can be unbound. After unbinding the contract, users who execute the contract will pay the execution fee.


  • Id int - the ID of the contract being bound.


A new ecosystem parameter has been added to the current ecosystem.


  • Name string - parameter name;
  • Value string - parameter value;
  • Conditions string - conditions to change the parameter.


Changes existing ecosystem parameters in the current ecosystem.


  • Name string - name of the parameter to be changed;
  • Value string - new parameter value;
  • Conditions string - new conditions to change the parameter.


Adds a new menu in the current ecosystem.


  • Name string - menu name;
  • Value string - menu source code;
  • Title string "optional" - menu title;
  • Conditions string - conditions to change the menu.


Changes the existing menu in the current ecosystem.


  • Id int - menu ID to be changed;
  • Value string "optional" - source code of the new menu;
  • Title string "optional" - title of the new menu;
  • Conditions string "optional" - new conditions to change the menu.


Adds the source code content to existing menus in the current ecosystem


  • Id int - menu ID;
  • Value string - source code to be added.


Adds a new page in the current ecosystem.


  • Name string - name of the page;

  • Value string - source code of the page;

  • Menu string - name of the menu associated with the page;

  • Conditions string - conditions to change the page;

  • ValidateCount int "optional" - number of nodes required for page validation. If this parameter is not specified, the min_page_validate_count ecosystem parameter value is used. The value of this parameter cannot be less than min_page_validate_count and greater than max_page_validate_count;

  • ValidateMode int "optional" - mode of page validity check. The page will be checked when it is loaded if the value of this parameter is 0; or checked when it is loaded or exit the page if the value of this parameter is 1.


Changes existing pages in the current ecosystem.


  • Id int - ID of the page to be changed;
  • Value string "optional" - source code of the new page;
  • Menu string "optional" - name of the new menu associated with the page;
  • Conditions string "optional" - new conditions to change the page;
  • ValidateCount int "optional" - number of nodes required for page validation. If this parameter is not specified, the min_page_validate_count ecosystem parameter value is used. The value of this parameter cannot be less than min_page_validate_count and greater than max_page_validate_count;
  • ValidateMode int "optional" - mode of page validity check. The page will be checked when it is loaded if the value of this parameter is 0; or checked when it is loaded or exit the page if the value of this parameter is 1.


Adds the source content to existing pages in the current ecosystem.


  • Id int - ID of the page to be changed;
  • Value string - the source code to be added.


Adds a page module to the current ecosystem.


  • Name string - name of the module;
  • Value string - source code of the module;
  • Conditions string - conditions to change the module.


Changes existing page modules in the current ecosystem.


  • Id int - module ID to be changed;
  • Value string - source code of the new module;
  • Conditions string - new conditions to change the module.


Adds a new table to the current ecosystem.


  • ApplicationId int - application ID of the associated table;
  • Name string - name of the new table;
  • Columns string - field array in JSON format [{"name":"...", "type":"...","index": "0", "conditions":".. ."},...], where
    • name - field name, only Latin characters;
    • type - data type varchar,bytea,number,datetime,money,text,double,character;
    • index - non-primary key field 0, primary key 1;
    • conditions - conditions to change the field data, and the access permissions must be specified in JSON format "{"update":"ContractConditions(MainCondition)", "read":"ContractConditions(MainCondition)"};
  • Permissions string - access permissions in JSON format {"insert": "...", "new_column": "...", "update": "...", "read": ".. ."}.
    • insert - permission to insert entries;
    • new_column - permission to add a new column;
    • update - permission to change entry data;
    • read - permission to read entry data.


Changes the access permissions of a table in the current ecosystem.


  • Name string - name of the table;
  • InsertPerm string - permission to insert entries into the table;
  • UpdatePerm string - permission to update entries in the table;
  • ReadPerm string - permission to read entries in the table;
  • NewColumnPerm string - permission to create a new column;


Adds a new field to the table of the current ecosystem.


  • TableName string - table name;
  • Name string - field name in Latin characters;
  • Type string - data type varchar,bytea,number,money,datetime,text,double,character;
  • UpdatePerm string - permission to change the value in the column;
  • ReadPerm string - permission to read the value in the column.


Changes the permission of a specified table field in the current ecosystem.


  • TableName string - table name;
  • Name string - field name in Latin characters to be changed;
  • UpdatePerm string - new permission to change the value in the column;
  • ReadPerm string - new permission to read the value in the column.


Adds language resources to the current ecosystem, and the permission to do so is set in the changing_language parameter of the ecosystem parameters.


  • Name string - name of the language resources in Latin characters;
  • Trans string - string in JSON format, with a two-character lang code as the key and the translated string as the value. For example, {"en": "English text", "de": "deutscher text"}.


Changes the language resources in the current ecosystem, and the permission to do so is set in the changing_language parameter of the ecosystem parameter.


  • Id int - language resources ID.
  • Trans - string in JSON format, with a two-character lang code as the key and the translated string as the value. For example, {"en": "English text", "de": "deutscher text"}.


Imports an application into the current ecosystem and imports the data loaded from the ImportUpload contract.


  • Data string - data imported in text format, which comes from a file exported by the ecosystem.


Loads an external application file into the buffer_data table of the current ecosystem for subsequent import.


  • InputFile file - a file written to the buffer_data table of the current ecosystem.


Adds new application parameters to the current ecosystem.


  • ApplicationId int - application ID;
  • Name string - parameter name;
  • Value string - parameter value;
  • Conditions string - permission to change the parameter.


Changes existing application parameters in the current ecosystem.


  • Id int - application parameter ID;
  • Value string "optional" - new parameter value;
  • Conditions string "optional" - new permissions to change the parameter.


Adds a new task to the delayed contracts scheduler daemon.

The delayered contracts scheduler runs contracts required by the currently generated block.


  • Contract string - contract name;
  • EveryBlock int - the contract will be executed every such amount of blocks;
  • Conditions string - permission to change the task;
  • BlockID int "optional" - the block ID where the contract must be executed. If not specified, it will be calculated automatically by adding the "current block ID" + EveryBlock;
  • Limit int "optional" - the maximum number of task execution. If not specified, the task will be executed for an unlimited times.


Changes a task in the delayed contracts scheduler daemon.


  • Id int - task ID;
  • Contract string - contract name;
  • EveryBlock int - the contract will be executed every such amount of blocks;
  • Conditions string - permission to change the task;
  • BlockID int "optional" - the block ID where the contract must be executed. If not specified, it will be calculated automatically by adding the "current block ID" + EveryBlock;
  • Limit int "optional" - the maximum number of task execution. If not specified, the task will be executed for an unlimited times.
  • Deleted int "optional" - task switching. A value of 1 will disable the task. A value of 0 will enable the task.


Adds or overwrites a static file in the X_binaries table. When calling a contract via HTTP API, the request must be in multipart/form-data format; the DataMimeType parameter will be used in conjunction with the form data.


  • Name string - name of the static file;
  • Data bytes - content of the static file;
  • DataMimeType string "optional" - a static file in mime-type format;
  • ApplicationId int - the application ID associated with the X_binaries table.

If the DataMimeType parameter is not passed, the application/octet-stream format is used by default.